Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Steady Flow of Weird

I have been pretty bored lately, I don't know if you've read. I read what's on Google Reader, I spend some time playing games, and I'll fool around on craigslist or OKCupid. I saw an ad last night that I couldn't resist. It was a craigslist posting for a birthday party, just turned 21, anyone between 21 and 25 is invited. I knew I wouldn't be the only one going.

Of course not.

Who could resist an open invitation to a birthday party?

Not me.

The cake wasn't a lie. I went and realized that it was basically what I expected. However, I was the only one that went from craigslist. Actually, everyone there knew everyone else.

Wtf craigslist readers? Total let down on your part, but I had an interesting enough time.

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